Sunday, November 25, 2012

Whitetail Bucks are Tough!

     Today was the last day of hunting season here in Montana. I went out and had a great time with my step-dad, Jerry and my brother, Joshua. Didn't end up bringing anything home (apart from some serious aches and pains) but we worked hard and had fun doing it. I am sorry to say that I shot a buck, and that he got away. We tracked him for 4 miles before we completely lost his trail, and had to give up on him. Several things I should have done differently, and know to do differently in the future. Right now, all I can do is shrug, shake my head, and sit here being introspective. Time for a little laundry and an early bedtime.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Meaning of Life

     I am sorry to say that, despite my deep admiration for both the combined talents of the gentlemen that made up Monty Python as well as the exquisitely talented author Douglas Adams, neither party satisfactorily provided me with an answer to the question: What is the meaning of life? Well... that isn't exactly true. The fact of the matter is, that the seeming inability to provide an answer that passes muster, points quietly to where such an answer lay. Within.
     As I sit here, glancing around a living room filled with a clutter that borders on uncomfortable, and listen to the snores of dogs contended in their sleep, not one thing that I can see lends purpose to my being. It's just stuff. I'll be honest, I love stuff. There is really just so much cool stuff in the world, it's amazing that so many different people came up with so many ideas to invent all of these neat things. But they are all still just things. If I woke up tomorrow and all of them were gone, I wouldn't die - they are not the meaning of my life.
     I tend to draw people to me. It reminds me a bit of a novelty button a friend once purchased, it read: "I have animal magnetism, when I go outside, squirrels stick to me." You see, when I go out in public, doing my own thing, people whom I have never met invariably walk up to me and ask for assistance. Something about my being is capable of convincing others that I work in every store I ever set foot in. This evening, while airing up the tires on my step-dad's pickup, a large man, with a worried look on his face, came up and asked me if I knew how to wire a 7 pole trailer plug (the type used to hook the trailer lights on a large camper up to a truck.) I had to admit that I did not and apologized. He thanked me for my time and went on his way. I was bothered though, this guy had a very real need. I could see his 5th wheel trailer and truck, where he had walked to me from, off at the edge of the parking lot. He was obviously distressed that he could not continue traveling now that darkness had fallen, until he repaired his lights. Well, I didn't know how to wire a 7 pole trailer plug, but I do carry a smartphone, from which I easily procured the information. I quickly sketched the diagram, and then hunted the guy down. He was shopping in a store nearby. I walked up and explained the diagram, and he was just tickled. He said: "I can't believe you tracked me down to help me!" All I could reply was: "Yup!" I shook his hand, wished him good luck, and went on with my life. My meaningful life.
     We can do as much or as little good in our lifetimes as we set our minds to. If you are looking for meaning though, try doing a little good for someone other than yourself. While there is great satisfaction in taking care of ones own needs, there is an  even greater reward in helping to meet the needs of someone else, even when it's something as simple as looking up a piece of information.
     If life is feeling a little meaningless, go do something. Specifically, go do something for somebody else.