Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day & Fishing

The two may not sound like they go together, but today they did. While my mom went to spend time with her sister and my cousin in Glendive, Jill went with Katie and I, to fish the Yellowstone river. Before we went fishing though, I went with Jerry up to the house of one of his buddies, and helped to move some items back into his shop. He'd recently painted the floor, and because he has a bum foot, needed some help with the heavier items.

After helping to get the heavy items into the shop, and in place, Jerry and I returned to the house. For some reason on the way home I developed a horrible horrible headache. The whole left side of my head was throbbing so intensely - even the teeth on the left side seemed to hurt! We got into the Bronco and headed out to the area we wanted to fish, with me driving and still suffering from the headache. By this time I was feeling nauseous it was so bad. Once we got there and I sat in my chair at the river's edge for a time, though, the headache passed. A fact for which I am very grateful.

We fished for 3 hours, and while we had much fun, our catch was less than spectacular. Katie caught 3 gold eye and 1 small sturgeon, and I caught 3 gold eye as well. Gold eye are typically considered a trash fish, as they are incredibly bony and have very soft, almost mushy flesh. Some people like to pickle them, and some people like to smoke them, but we (like the vast majority) just throw them back. Our hope was to catch several sturgeon so that we could have them for dinner, but the one we did catch wasn't of appreciable size, and would have been more work to prepare than the little bit of meat that was on him was worth. We still had a great time being outside, and if nothing else, gold eye are really fun to catch.

When we got home, I dug some pike and some catfish out of the freezer and got it thawing for dinner. I fried it all up while Katie and Jill made a salad, and we feasted on the fish with fresh lemon wedges for lemon juice. Not as good as fresh fish, but still very tasty.

Tomorrow morning we have to take Jill to the airport at 5:00, so that she can fly home. Both of us wish that she could stay for at least a week, but that just isn't possible right now. Our hope is that she will be able to come back again in the not too distant future, but only time will tell. I am very nervous, still, about the house-buying process, mostly just anxious for everything to go smoothly. It's crazy to think that if things move along as scheduled, we'll be starting to move come the end of June! Ah well, one thing at a time.


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