Monday, May 9, 2011

Realtors, Bankers and Bills, Oh My!

Well, Katie and I have completed all the little steps to satisfy the loan manager, so now if our offer is accepted (a greater than 90% chance of occurring) then she will prepare the package and send it to the underwriters. Then, if they grant a credit waiver (our credit is slightly lower than they prefer, but the aforementioned little steps were gathering proof that items in collections were being paid down, and paying off a couple of small things/providing proof that they were paid) we will only have the remaining hurdles of an appraisal and home inspection. So really, it's just a bunch of 'ifs' at this point. A bunch of ifs, $300.00 locked up in earnest money, and enough anxiety and heart burn to warrant additional medications. If we do not qualify for the USDA Rural Development loan, we would still qualify for the FHA loan. Cold comfort, considering that we don't have the $4000 down required to close with that loan.

I am trying to stay positive, though it would appear that I'm not doing a very good job. Our credit scores will have improved, both from paying a couple things off, and because we caught a collections agency not having updated the status of an account from 'in collections' to 'in repayment.' It's been in repayment, and paid on time every month for 6 months now! Frustrating to say the least.

Automated Accounts of Spokane is by far the least friendly, least helpful collections agency I have ever had the displeasure of working with. Apparently their lawyer told them that they shouldn't fax or email information to customers because of some third party privacy law - something every other agency was happy to do I might add. Rather, they are only willing to mail it to the address they have on file. When I asked the account manager if he was stating that the 3 other agencies I'd spoken with that day had broken the law in assisting me, he backpedaled and stated: "Well, it's a gray area..." He then proceeded to say that if I faxed him permission, that he would speak with the loan manager at the bank! I agreed to this sheer lunacy, just to keep myself from suffering an apoplectic fit. Thank God it's done and over with.

The one other slice of insanity in all of this was at the hands of Credit Management LP of Carrollton, TX. They openly practice extortion on those people who have paid their accounts in full and wish proof of it. When you go to the grocery store and make a purchase, though they may ask you first if you want one, a receipt is yours without charge. Credit Management, aka The CMI group, will charge you $2.00 to access and print a letter stating that your account is paid in full. A practice for which, I intend to contact both the BBB and the Chamber of Commerce in Carrollton. I don't expect anything to come of it, but if nobody complains, nothing will change.

Tomorrow, I am going to try to focus on regular work activites. I will listen to music, I will drink coffee, and I will learn new things. I don't need to keep worrying about this.


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